weekly penguin cartoon


Nov 01: Scary is one way to describe it.

Oct 25: There's a real art to getting on that list.

Oct 18: Grift isn't always worth the trouble.

Oct 11: Who talks like that?

Oct 04: There's no such thing as an accidental tail.

Sep 27: Yet another in a long series of diversions in an attempt to avoid responsibility.

Sep 20: Some penguins never wear white hats after Labor Day!

Sep 13: Penguin Turing Tests are hard!

Sep 06: It doesn't always take tech to fix tech.

Aug 30: Time off.

Aug 23: Po-TAY-to, po-TAH-to.

Aug 16: Oh well, maybe next year.

Aug 09: And early photographers had to deal with the soul-eating camera argument.

Aug 02: Otherwise you'd fall off the edge.

Jul 26: You don't actually need an AI for this.

Jul 19: There is no try, only overdo.

Jul 12: On going out (very very out.)

Jul 05: Any time I want.

Jun 28: It's called "memory curation", thank-you-very-much!

Jun 21: But is it more or less flattering?

Scary is one way to describe it.
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