weekly penguin cartoon


Jul 19: There is no try, only overdo.

Jul 12: On going out (very very out.)

Jul 05: Any time I want.

Jun 28: It's called "memory curation", thank-you-very-much!

Jun 21: But is it more or less flattering?

Jun 14: Depends on what you're trying to accomplish.

Jun 07: Come for the silly optimism, stay for the outrage?

May 31: Do I even have to say the lawn thing?

May 24: My other qualification is I am very, very drunk.

May 17: Mother nature wants us to get out more...

May 10: You don't want to be in that category.

May 03: Resistance training.

Apr 26: Sometimes, getting insulted can be an education.

Apr 19: Civic duty, but under the table.

Apr 12: In this case, maybe let the perfect be the enemy of the creepy.

Apr 05: Somebody's humor algorithm needs work.

Mar 29: And put that moon back right now!

Mar 22: Well, one, but it was an eating tournament.

Mar 15: As problems go...

Mar 08: A whole new level of goofy-looking for business attire.


Pengcognito FAQ

(new)Q: I want to make a comment about the strip - where can I go to do that?
A: Pengcognito is now available on three blogging sites. All three will allow you to create a free account so you can comment on the strip, as well as make a blog of your own. (C'mon, it's fun!)
Q: Can you remind me when the new comic is up?
A: We live to serve. Here you go:
Notify me as soon as the new one is out:
This will get you the weekly newsletter, with links to the current cartoon.
Q: Suppose I am a role model, and I still want a penguin t-shirt, mug, mousepad, tote bag or tatoo?
A: You're in luck! Unless you want a tatoo. But lots of other penguin stuff is now available here:
To fit on the mugs, the strips have been changed a little or abbreviated. You can see the new versions here.
Q: What are those herrings and half-herrings doing next to the links? They're making me hungry.
A: Those are ratings. The more herrings, the better (as in life.) You are now able to add your rating once you've scrolled to the end of an episode; please feel free. We promise not to mail you guano or leftover herring guts if we don't agree.
Q: C'mon, that's really all the same peguin in different hats.
A: We're a bit insulted you can't tell us apart.
Q: Isn't it Bad to anthropomorphize animals, especially wild, endangered ones?
A: It would probably be better to penguify humans, but it's not nearly as funny. Besides, was taken.
Q: Are you ever going to get in, um, compromising situations?
A: You mean, is your Big Brother filter going to block the site? Not intentionally on our part (this is as close as it will get.) It has already been blocked by at least one misguided program - for what reason, we have no idea, unless the filters are mistaking the word "penguin" for another famous and fun word that starts wth "pen"...
Q: The human world sucks. Can I come live with you guys?
A: You are welcome to stay here as long as you bring a couple of kegs of Herring Lager and cook the breakfast herrings.
Q: No, really, what's all this then?
A: Jen started making these as birthday cards for her sister Tina, who really likes penguins.

Then, since humans tend to go out in gangs for birthdays, she started doing them for other relatives and friends. They are the sort of things that are fun to pass around at Japanese steak houses while you're waiting for the chef to throw food on you.

Her husband (Moof) takes the actual penguin photographs, but most of the rest of it is not his fault. He comes up with the occasional brilliant inspiration, like the WaddleMaster 3000.

Jen can occasionally be found doing incomprehensible human stuff like writing USB device drivers for the Mac, doing software archaeology, or making database back ends for web sites at House of C, (a quirky little software company) when she really ought to be busy documenting the secret life of penguins, which is a lot more interesting.