weekly penguin cartoon


Oct 18: Grift isn't always worth the trouble.

Oct 11: Who talks like that?

Oct 04: There's no such thing as an accidental tail.

Sep 27: Yet another in a long series of diversions in an attempt to avoid responsibility.

Sep 20: Some penguins never wear white hats after Labor Day!

Sep 13: Penguin Turing Tests are hard!

Sep 06: It doesn't always take tech to fix tech.

Aug 30: Time off.

Aug 23: Po-TAY-to, po-TAH-to.

Aug 16: Oh well, maybe next year.

Aug 09: And early photographers had to deal with the soul-eating camera argument.

Aug 02: Otherwise you'd fall off the edge.

Jul 26: You don't actually need an AI for this.

Jul 19: There is no try, only overdo.

Jul 12: On going out (very very out.)

Jul 05: Any time I want.

Jun 28: It's called "memory curation", thank-you-very-much!

Jun 21: But is it more or less flattering?

Jun 14: Depends on what you're trying to accomplish.

Jun 07: Come for the silly optimism, stay for the outrage?

Untitled Document


To fit the strips onto mugs, it's been necessary to change them a bit, usually just shortening them. Since Cafepress provides kinda small images, I've put bigger ones here (they'll open in new windows):

View all (big!)
The rock collection one (when is a collection really a collection?)
The one about feeding spammers to your pet tiger
Too much of a good thing?
The birth of the Church of the Great Penguin
The "don't give your cat your Amazon password" one
One of the talking to dead penguins show ones
The one where they go clubbing
The one where they attempt to clean the fridge

There's also a one-panel one where Ted shows up in a UFO - it's too big for the web site, though it is available here in our 2004 calendar (it's October, in case you're not looking ahead...) It doesn't fit right on a mug but is on a tote bag, lunchbox and mousepad.