weekly penguin cartoon


May 31: Do I even have to say the lawn thing?

May 24: My other qualification is I am very, very drunk.

May 17: Mother nature wants us to get out more...

May 10: You don't want to be in that category.

May 03: Resistance training.

Apr 26: Sometimes, getting insulted can be an education.

Apr 19: Civic duty, but under the table.

Apr 12: In this case, maybe let the perfect be the enemy of the creepy.

Apr 05: Somebody's humor algorithm needs work.

Mar 29: And put that moon back right now!

Mar 22: Well, one, but it was an eating tournament.

Mar 15: As problems go...

Mar 08: A whole new level of goofy-looking for business attire.

Mar 01: Revenge is a dish best served with a side of sparkle.

Feb 23: How to hate 3d video meetings as much as the 2d ones.

Feb 16: There really is only the one answer.

Feb 09: The beach isn't for everybear.

Feb 02: Less authentic is OK.

Jan 26: And now you know.

Jan 19: Or you could do your hobby after dinner.

How to hate 3d video meetings as much as the 2d ones.
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